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Waco Zoning and City Ordinances
The Basics

The development and use of residential and business properties in Waco is governed by the combination of:

  • Federal law;

  • Texas state law; and

  • A set of laws called "zoning laws," and a few other City of Waco local ordinances.


Click here to read Waco zoning laws in Chapter 28 ("Zoning") of the Waco Code of Ordinances.  This will open a new browser tab.


Zoning and other development-related laws may be organized into the following groups:


  • "Baseline zoning rules and other ordinances" which apply to all properties, regardless of location, type or use, unless they are superseded by District Regulations (see below).


Click here to read more about these baseline rules.


  • "District Regulations" which include each of the following:


  • Those which apply to specific types of properties (residential, office, etc.)


Click here for a complete list and explanation of these that apply inside the boundaries of our Cameron Park Neighborhood Association. The most common are called "R1-A" and "R1-B," and these apply to single family homes. 


  • Those called "Special Districts" and "Overlays" that apply only to properties in certain locations.


Click here for an explanation of Special Districts and Overlays.


  • Customized "Planned Unit Development" (or "PUD") rules applicable to a single development.  An example of PUD in our neighborhood is The Cloister development on Edward Drive.


Click here for an explanation of PUDs.


Which Sections of Zoning Law Apply to your Property?


Chapter 28 is a very long set of rules, not all of which apply to every property.  To determine which zoning regulations apply to a specific property:


(1) Start by understanding the baseline zoning rules.  Click here to read more about these rules.


(2) Find the property on the City's Mapping Service by clicking this link.  Then, zoom in to find the property and see what Zoning district is assigned to it. 

  • For your convenience, a map already zoomed in to our neighborhood may be found by clicking here

  • The map shows which zoning "District" type each property falls into.  Click here for an explanation of zoning Districts, along with links to each Zoning District type.

  • In the event of a conflict between a set of Zoning district rules and the baseline zoning rules, the Zoning district rules take precedence.



(4) Determine if the property falls into a Special District or Overlay. 

  • Detailed information and explanations may be found by clicking here.

  • In the event of a conflict between a set of Special District or Overlay rules and the baseline zoning rules and/or other Zoning district rules, the Special District or Overlay rules take precedence.



Cameron Park Neighborhood Association

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