Cameron Park Neighborhood Association
CALL 911 to:
Report a crime in progress
Report gunshots
Report suspicious persons
Report a fire
Report a medical emergency
CALL 254-750-7650 to:
Report a crime after the fact
(e.g. to report a theft) -
Report fireworks or other loud noises​
Safety Concerns
Per our mission statement, we promote safety, conservation, and connection as a community. Our concern for safety primarily includes the following concerns:
Frequent gunshots in Cameron Park.
Presence and camping of homeless individuals in areas of the park near our neighborhood.
Speeding and recklessly driven cars in Cameron Park, spilling over into our neighborhood.
The increase in traffic likely to result from the forthcoming addition of a large number of homes to our neighborhood - both from construction traffic and the eventual traffic from new residents.​
Crime Prevention and Police Engagement
Concerns numbers 1, 2 and 3, above, are Waco Police Department (WPD) matters, and the WPD relies upon neighborhood residents to report incidents.
Click here to read more details about how we may best work with the Police and other City departments to address our concerns.
Click here to discover links to crime statistics and other helpful information from the WPD.
Development-Related Safety Concerns
Concern number 4, above, is being addressed by our neighborhood working with other City departments (City Planning, Streets Department) and the developer of the houses.
For more information about the pending development, click here.
For general information about streets and traffic safety, click here.