Cameron Park Neighborhood Association
Our Concerns and Interests
The mission statement of the Cameron Park Neighborhood Association is"
"We are a people and park prospering together to promote safety, conservation, and connection as a community within the city of Waco."
Like all neighborhoods, we are concerned about safety. This includes:
Crime prevention and law enforcement. We work with the Waco Police Department, represented by a neighborhood engagement officer who attends our regular meetings and other gatherings. For more information about this, and to read about specific areas of concern, click here.
Traffic safety and the condition of our streets. We partner with the Waco Planning Department and Street Department to help ensure that traffic from new development doesn't diminish the safety of our neighborhood, and that any concerns about potholes, stop signs and other safety-related issues are dealt with. For information, click here.
We are also concerned about the conservation of the natural environment around us. Many of us live here because of our love for nature, and there is no more beautiful or natural setting in Waco than Cameron Park. Our unique topography, canopy, and proximity to Cameron Park with its wildlife and two major Texas rivers give us a unique perspective. To address our concerns:
We engage with the Waco Planning Commission (and City Planning Director) and the City Council to advocate for improved zoning regulations for the Brazos River Corridor and our neighborhood. For information about proposed changes to zoning regulations that impact our neighborhood, park and rivers, click here.
We engage with developers seeking to develop residential and commercial properties within our neighborhood. We do NOT seek to prevent development, but rather to ensure that new development takes into account the unique characteristics of our area and does not reduce safety or cause environmental damage. For information regarding our engagement with the developer of 151 new homes in the northwest corner of our neighborhood, click here.
We perform neighborhood and park clean-up projects. For information, click here.
Finally, we promote connection between neighbors by organizing picnics and get-togethers so that we may get to know one another. And, truth be told, our meetings and neighborhood and park clean-ups are just as much about connection as business or conservation. For information and to read about future (and some) past social events, click here.