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Our meetings are where we conduct business, educate ourselves, and connect with one another.  We have three kinds of meetings, each of which is held at the Cameron Park Clubhouse at 2601 N. University Parks Drive (unless it becomes necessary to meet elsewhere), usually from 6:00-7:00 p.m.:


  • Regular Meetings.  These meetings are held at least once per quarter, and may be held more often if the Board deems it necessary to conduct business.


  • Annual Meeting.  These meetings are held every year in January, and (in addition to other business) include (a) the election of Officers of the Board of Directors; and (b) presentation of financial and other reports on the affairs of the Association.


  • Special Meetings.  Other meetings may be called by the President, by a majority of the Board, or by twenty percent (20%) or more of the Members.


Article IV of the bylaws include detailed rules for meetings.  Click here to read our entire bylaws.


PLUS, in addition to the above types of meetings (for business purposes), the Association also periodically holds both:




We hope to see you soon!

Cameron Park Neighborhood Association

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