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Welcome to the
Cameron Park Neighborhood Association

Who We Are

We are a people and park prospering together to promote safety, conservation, and connection as a community within the city of Waco. 


We love our Waco, Texas neighborhood, and the beautiful park and rivers next door. Our unique topography, along with the "country feel" of our properties both large and small, set our neighborhood apart from others. 


Our Association strives to represent the common goals of all residents, whether owners or renters.  While most members are neighborhood residents living in family homes, we also invite the participation and membership of businesses along our borders.


Click here to see the boundaries of our neighborhood, and to access helpful maps and related information. 


We are a voluntary organization and do not charge dues.  Our association serves our neighborhood using eager, unpaid volunteers, with a small budget fulfilled through donations and grants.  We perform cleanups and other service projects, and work with City staff in multiple departments to represent our members' collective concerns and interests. Please read more about our interests by clicking here.


On this website, you will find information about how we serve each other and the nature around us.  We hope that you will join us soon!  Click here to learn how to become involved.


Please enjoy our website.  For more information, please email us at

News and Upcoming Events

For a list of past and other upcoming events, click here.

Our next CPNA meeting is Tuesday, May 16.  Click here for more information.

Brazos River Corridor zoning news: 


  • Public discussion and vote on amendment to BRCO (Brazos River Corridor Overlay) has been postponed until Tuesday, April 25, at Planning Commission meeting before advancing to City Council. This:

    • Expands the boundaries to include all (instead of only part) of our Neighborhood; and

    • Adds new provisions to ensure that significant new development and outdoor lighting is done smartly, in keeping with the unique environment and topography of the area​.

  • The amendment:

    • DOES NOT impose "commercial" landscaping standards on single family homes (although a few reasonable requirements do apply); and

    • DOES NOT apply to existing homes unless and until substantial renovation is done.  Normal repairs are not "substantial renovation."

  • Our Neighborhood Association (among other groups) provided input to the City, and has voted to recommend its passage.

Click here for more information about both the current and proposed BRCO.

Cameron Park Neighborhood Association

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