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Officers and Board of Directors

At each Annual meeting, held in January, our Cameron Park Neighborhood Association elects volunteer Officers to serve on our Board of Directors.  Officers are limited to three successive one-year terms.


Article III of our Bylaws concerns the Board of Directors, its election, and the role of each Officer.  Click here to read our complete bylaws.  Currently, our Board of Directors consists of the following Officers:


President.  The principal executive officer, who presides over all meetings, represents the Association on public occasions, and makes committee appointments from the membership for the effective conduct of the work of the CPNA.


Jeannine McMeans is our current President.


Vice-President. Assists the President as requested, and represents the Association on appropriate occasions.  In the absence or disability of the President, performs the duties and exercises the powers of the President of the CPNA.


Greta Knoll is our current Vice President.


Treasurer. Collects, safeguards, disburses and makes periodic reports of all funds collected in the name of the Association.


Steve O'Connor is our current Treasurer.


Secretary. Keeps attendance records and records the proceedings of all meetings, maintains records of the Association's activities, and conducts official correspondence when required.


Genevieve Peel is our ACTING Secretary.

David Mills has been nominated to take over the position, and a vote will be held at the May 16 meeting..


If you have a question for the Board of Directors, or are interested in becoming an Officer (subject to a vote at our next Annual meeting), please approach any current Officer at a meeting, or send an email to

Cameron Park Neighborhood Association

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